Phil & Dobbo at Moggerhanger

Dobbo joined Phil at Moggerhanger for a days fishing, on arriving a number of fish were showing and the prospects for the day looked good.

Unfortunately, the early signs of fish did not materialise and it was not until late afternoon when Phil and Dobbo were considering calling it day when Phil’s bite alarm screamed off and a 16lb common carp was on the bank.

They both decided to give it another hour and just after Phil had left, and Dobbo was packing up, his indicator played that beautiful sound and it resulted in 13lb 10oz Common. The fish actually looks and felt larger than that,, Dobbo’s scales have been playing up lately so it may have been more.

Anyway he has ordered a new set of scales and will check the new ones against the old ones to see if his thoughts are correct.

Phil with his 16lb Common

Phil with his 16lb Common

Dobbo with his 13lb 10oz Common . . . .Looks larger may be a problem with the scales

Dobbo with his 13lb 10oz Common . . . .Looks larger may be a problem with the scales