Danny and Dobbo @ McGregor

Danny and Dobbo met up at McGregor and fished the back water, it was more as a release for Danny having been informed that his pending knee operation had been cancelled at the last minute and was now to take place on the 5th May. Lets hope so as it is very frustrating for Danny, especially has he had self-isolated and had a covid test which was now pointless. However, despite having to go through all that again we are sure it will be worth it in the end and we cannot wait for him to be fit and well again to join us regularly on the bank.

There was one fish caught by another angler a nice mirror of about 13lb and Danny lost one after a descent run.

There seems to be brighter news as Rob was informed that Gingerbread is now starting to produce some fish and the “Clone” had been caught at over 40lb. Maybe a visit there next week may be on the cards for some of us.