Jans weekly trip to Wood Walton Fen.
There were lots of Butterflies and Bugs at the Fen today, but where were the Dragonflies. Last week saw the sky filled with the acrobatic Brown Hawkers, today I only saw one. In fact hardly any Dragonflies at all but plenty of Damselflies, still that’s how it is sometimes. Possibly the overcast day, although still warm, was something to do with it.
Butterflies were plentiful. The Purple Emperors were floating over the Rothschild’s Bungalow and around the Oak trees but I did not see any land, so unfortunately no images this week of the Emperors.
I saw plenty of Crickets and other bugs, but to be honest I am not good at identifying what is what so I must say Thank You to Danielle at the Great Fen for helping with the identification of the bugs and flowers. I now know that Crickets have really long antennae and Grasshoppers shorter ones.
The moral of this is “Your never too old to learn”, the trouble is I soon forget.