Rob and Dobbo met at Secret Lake for a few hours fishing,. Rob was a little late in arriving as he went to collect a wave runner bait boat he had just bought.
Dobbo had been there about a couple of hours before Rob arrived and had not had any runs or line bites, he had seen a couple of fish showing on the far bank but at that point none had shown any interest.
Rob set up in the swim next to Dobbo and fished for about 3 to 4 hours, Rob had a couple of liners and a missed run where the fish dropped the bait.
As Rob packed up and was just about to go Dobbo had a run and managed to land a 13lb 8oz Mirror Carp, it was really thanks to Rob as had suggested Dobbo switched to a sweeter bait (Kream Krunch) rather than the Squid 2 T he was using and almost immediately he had the run.
That’s another one he owes you . . . Rob.
Dobbo with his 13lb 8oz Mirror . . . photo taken by Rob