Dobbo @ Gingerbread

An early start in the same swim that Dobbo fished Wednesday resulted in 2 fish on the bank in the first 20 minutes One of the fish had a badly damaged top jaw and looked like the same fish Rob caught back on the 18th December 2020.

Dobbo had decided to give the single circle hooks another outing on one of the rods with some slight modifications from previous attempts

The first fish fell to a circle hook with a ledgered popped up smelt and the second to a ledgered popped up sardine on a standard trace. There then were 3 more runs all to the ledgered popped up smelt and circle hook and although the fish had hold of the baits all three runs were missed without hooking the fish.

With that Dobbo then went back to his standard traces and had another 2 runs resulting in 2 fish that fell to a ledgered popped up smelt and the other to an old fashioned cocktail bait of smelt, sardine and spratt, now called a kebab rig.,

I think the continuing obsession by some anglers to use circle hooks is loosing its appeal. There will still be debate as to whether it is the right way to go but Dobbo’s experience is that the design of the circle hook is not suited to pike fishing and he will no longer use them for that reason. The debate I am sure will go on.

Unfortunately, Dave could not make the trip as he was still having after effects from his Covid jab, Danny and Dobbo cant understand how they got their jabs before Dave as they thought it was done on age.